Coffee Enemas

Okay so this may gross some of you out- but that’s okay- I’m going to share anyway. I use coffee enemas on a regular basis.

 Yes stick coffee up my butt- its true… but hear me out.

There are papers from the 1960s in the New England Journal of Medicine talking about coffee enemas resolving acute onset psychosis and catatonia in the ICU setting and more recently a paper written by Dr. Kelly Brogan lists coffee enemas as being a modality that remediated symptoms in Bipolar Disorder.

Basically, caffeine in the coffee is delivered into our colons and travels up to the liver via the Hepatic Portal Vein, (located in the lower portion of the colon). This stimulates the liver to remove a lot of stored up toxins and produce bile. Toxins from the liver are then dumped straight into the small intestine, which we then eliminate after the enema cleanse.

 Importantly, coffee enemas stimulates Glutathione. Glutathione is the master antioxidant in our bodies and as we age, synthesis reduces. coffee enemas also stimulate the enzymatic pathways and increases the speed at which we process toxic waste.

What kind of coffee?

 I actually buy my enema kits online and find that easier as the organic coffee mixture is ready to go- so I just need to add filtered water.

Purelife enema coffee is organic, air roasted, no mould, high in cafestol and palmitic acid, which are needed to open the liver bile ducts.

Or Coffee Enema Solution from James Health in Australia.

But, preparing from scratch is easy enough. Coffee has a high pesticide residue if it conventionally produced so it is vital to use an organic coffee. Also, it’s the caffeine that prompts the production of the glutathione so the higher the caffeine content the better- and a light roasted coffee will provide more caffeine.

It’s not for everyone, I get it. But if you feel so inclined to give it ago there is some evidence it can be helpful for mental health and wellbeing.

If it’s not your cup of tea (or coffee) check out some of the other detoxifying strategies in module 6.


Coffee Enema Recipe


4 tbsp ground coffee to two and a half cups of boiled water. Let that steep for 15 minutes before adding two more cups of water.  Make sure you only use filtered water.

When the coffee solution has cooled to body temperature it needs to be transferred to the bucket of your enema device (available online). Cool first as you don’t want any leeching if your bucket is plastic (and the tube will be plastic too).

 When cooled hold the tubing over a sink and release the clamp so that a little solution runs through the tubing and into the sink.  Then quickly close the clamp again.  Doing this will remove air and air bubbles from the tubing. 

Place towel on the bed or floor where you will be lying down. Next, take the enema bucket to where you will administer your enema.

 Hang or place the bucket- the higher the bucket, the greater the flow. Coffee enemas are usually  administered  lying down on the bed or floor. 

Lubricate the end of the enema nozzle with coconut oil and insert into your rectum.   Do this carefully though -or ouch. Release the clamp and allow the solution to flow.  When you feel full, shut the clamp. You should not feel uncomfortable.  If you do, then you took in too much solution.

Lie on your right side for 15 minutes if you can, and hold the enema solution in. When finished holding in enema go to the toilet and let it all go.

Consult a doctor before using an enema if you are experiencing:


  • Currently undergoing chemotherapy

  • Renal, cardiac or respiratory failure

  • Bleeding and/or ulceration in the colon tract

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Ileostomy (no colon)

  • Hypertension and/or tachycardia

  • Pregnant

  • Acute or ongoing chronic diarrhoea


There are some risks so always do your own research- this is my personal experience and is not in any way medical advice.