Wild Food
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Wild Food

In recent history we wanted more food, easier food, food to feed the masses. But what has this food done to the human’s health? Food is integral to our life and health, but also has huge implications for our planet.

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Vegetable oils sound healthy!
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Vegetable oils sound healthy!

The heart foundation guidelines still promote the use of seed and vegetable oils and yet these oils are one of the worst things to come out of industrial agriculture.

Marketed as vegetable oils to appear healthy; these unstable, pro-inflammatory oils are present in nearly all of our processed foods and there is some evidence that the impact of vegetable oils on human health is worse that we could have imagined [i] One study published in Open Heart concluded that an increase in dietary linoleic acid from industrial seed oils promotes inflammation, and atherosclerosis. [ii] Although the research is inconclusive concerning health risks, there are no good randomised clinical trials to indicate that seed oils are good for cardiovascular health, or human health in general.

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Food and mood
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Food and mood

Mental health disorders continue to be public health issue and this is not expected to change anytime in the near future. According to the Institute of Functional Medicine, depression is estimated to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020. Antidepressants are often the first line of defence, yet are certainly not solving the issue and are a band aid at most. Back in 1985 we spent $240 million on antidepressants; this cost has jumped to $12 billion dollars. I don’t believe pharmaceuticals are the only way.

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Regenerate our soil
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Regenerate our soil

Deep tilling, mono-cropping and an overuse of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, have diminished our soil’s natural ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, and much of our soil is now just dead dirt. This means that the carbon, normally drawn down into a healthy soil acting as a carbon sink, is now contributing to our warming planet. We have inflicted so much damage to our earth. I believe industrial farming is one of the biggest mistakes we have made.

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Mental illness or inflammation?
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Mental illness or inflammation?

Often when we experience brain fog, fatigue, flat mood, anxiety, or PMS we are diagnosed with depression and given a drug to make it better. This occurs without any investigation into the underlying reasons for why we feel this way.

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Fix our food
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Fix our food

The 2017 Global Nutrition Report indicates that we are not going to meet international targets for stunting, wasting, obesity and diabetes. Food loss and waste comprise 30 percent of food produced worldwide and we have a food system that contributes to 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. We have degraded one third of the earth with industrial farming and we produce far too much food that is devoid of any nutritional value- other than energy.

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Mindful eating
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Mindful eating

I have historically done everything fast, and this included eating. I just don’t like to waste time. However, I have learnt that eating slowly and mindfully; savouring each mouthful is one of the best practices to practise.

In becoming intentional with my eating habits I have a much healthier relationship with food. The best thing is there are no restrictions on food when you are practising mindful eating because the goal is to develop awareness, positive thoughts and emotions surrounding food and eating. When we honour our personal likes, dislikes, wants and needs, we gradually develop a more sustainable approach to eating that supports us in daily life. When we diet we make food the enemy and often wind up negotiating with ourselves over what we can and cannot eat and if we deserve a ‘treat’ or not.

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An authentic life
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

An authentic life

In the amazon forest lives a newly discovered parasitoid wasp that will sting tarantulas and paralyses them. Once the spider is zonked out the wasp will implants its eggs. The spider eventually gets over the violation inflicted and continues on its way, unaware of what is festering inside it. After a short gestation the new wasp will eat the spider from the inside out, the spider will die and the wasp will fly away into freedom. It is eaten from the inside out.

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No… not menopause
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

No… not menopause

The strong, stoic women before us all endured it and made it to other side, softer, wiser, and more confident in themselves. Menopause is unavoidable, and preferable to the alternative (dying). Almost all animals reproduce then die soon after their last offspring; other than women and killer whales.

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Get Silent
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Get Silent

I have a Christian faith, love Buddhist principles and do intrinsically believe in a higher being who loves us and wants to be one with us. I recall that during my younger years when I had a regular silent practice I was calmer, and managed my mind better than when I neglected prayer and meditation. I have recently started to get up 30–40 minutes earlier than usual so I can spend time alone in the stillness of dawn. And I have to say, that the improvement in the wellbeing of my mind has been phenomenal.

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We can change!
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

We can change!

We were in trouble long before the COVID- 19 assault. Climate change, soil degradation and food insecurity has been hitting us between the eyes for years; I myself chose to ignore it. I knew it was vaguely important, occasionally skimming articles on the topic. But to be honest I felt environmentalists were passionate zealots who had blown the whole sketchy topic out of proportion.

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Why I’m not a feminist
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Why I’m not a feminist

Writing this I am filled me with angst. I have a science background, a PhD, and am surrounded by very left-brain thinkers. But here I am writing about the masculine and feminine archetype which will raise red flags for woo everywhere. However, it is a topic that needs to be explored to develop an understanding of the imbalance between the sexes, and it’s something I am passionate about.

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Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts


Loneliness is manifesting in plague proportions in the 21st century; in part thanks to the rapid progression of technology. We are connected and yet many of us feel so disconnected.

It’s not the quantity of interaction with others that matters so much, but quality of social ties; although both are linked with poor health outcomes if absent . We long to be part of a community, as we crave a sense of being seen and heard.

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Finding my father
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Finding my father

He visited and held me. Then he left and never came back.

He didn’t visit again. He didn’t tuck me in at night, take me to ballet lessons, see me graduate, walk me down the aisle. He didn’t look for me at all. He held me as a baby, and then he simply left.

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Be quiet
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Be quiet

People want quiet. They want quiet places, quiet children, quiet partners, quiet parents, quiet employees.

Sometimes this suits us as quiet is protection; protection from rejection, scolding, criticism, mock, shame, and hurt. But our mind is not quiet, for it’s filled with the words that often aren’t allowed to leave. The words run around our mind forming sentences that only we can see.

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Go wild
Lisa Parkinson Roberts Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Go wild

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘wild human’?

The ‘civilized’ definition of a wild human is a person who is uncivilised; or a savage. A person of violent temper, erratic behavior, etc. But what does wild really mean? When I refer to the wild human I am speaking of our ancient ancestors, hunter and gatherer populations who lived wild, free and undomesticated.

Is it possible that modern humans are really ‘wild’ humans tamed?

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We want to be happy.. but
mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts

We want to be happy.. but

We want to be happy but we are often alert and looking for trouble and strife. The function of the primitive parts of our brain is to keep us alert for danger and to react quickly. Changing our mindset is far from easy as we are more inclined to focus on the negative and to be reactive to situations.

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We are all vulnerable to poor mental health.
mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts

We are all vulnerable to poor mental health.

Modern clinicians, using the standard diagnostic criteria, agree that Lincoln certainly suffered with depression. But a modern diagnosis does not explain how Lincoln wrestled with the monsters in his head, and where it led him.

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Food, inflammation and mental health
body, mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts body, mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts

Food, inflammation and mental health

We know that nutrition is related to aspects of mental health and that all of our cells, bones, and tissues are built from what you eat- and this includes signalling molecules. An example is that dietary fat is important in building and maintaining brain tissue and also aids in balancing hormones.

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The power of our mind
mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts mind Lisa Parkinson Roberts

The power of our mind

Many studies demonstrate when patients are given a placebo pill, and they believe that it’s powerful medicine, they get better. The power of the mind is awesome, and often untapped. (1) we also have the nocebo effect; a substance or treatment’s ability to make us feel unwell if we believe it has the power to do so. 

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